Technical Information

Note: This page will contain technical information about the LBCC site for those geeks interested in such trivialities.

This site is powered by WordPress blogging software. We are currently using Pages format to generate our pages rather than Posts. Rather than employing a full-blown CMS system that adds functions we don’t need, we use this system to allow multiple authors to write content for the pages. Additionally, the authoring system is intuitive and simple enough that neophye web authors are able to immediately start contributing content with only a minimal introduction.

Following a late night command line mishap that deleted the heavily modified Cutline theme we had been using for close to five years, Bruce decided to update the theme to a more modern one that had features for newer internet devices and made use of more up-to-date web formats. He has chosen the Responsive theme as his tentative choice.

Hosting for this site is provided by TextDrive. Following a notice of eviction from Joyent, TextDrive was resurrected to meet the hosting needs of the smaller denizens of the Internet that still desire competent System Administration and performance from their hosting company. I would wholeheartedly recommend TextDrive for your hosting needs

Additionally, club announcements are being posted on a Twitter Feed. Follow us @LBCastingClub. Please keep in mind that this is experimental and that I am still getting used to posting tweets, so not every event may be posted, although I’m trying! For the official list of events please consult either the web page or the calendar in the Target Talk.

The Web administrator is Bruce Takenaka.  Content Manager is Shirley Sakaguchi.